Mineral Prospectivity Logistics

Mineral Prospectivity Logistics

Apr 23, 2022 02:19 PM

Overall Logistics

Bookmark the Working Group’s landing page. All key info centralized there.
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Join our Working Group’s Slack channel by:
  1. Clicking here.
  1. A gentle nudge to share an introduction once you join.
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Recommended virtual environment - Google Colab.
  1. Google Colab is essentially a Google Cloud hosted Juypter notebook.
  1. Synchronizes everyone’s environments for easier collaborative bug fixing.
  1. Gives free GPU access.
Google Colab - How to use it
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Weekly meetings
  1. Meetings weekly at time: 1-2 PM ET on Saturdays (Starting the 23rd April)
  1. Meeting joining link: https://meet.jit.si/ML-basedMineralProspectivityMapping
  1. If miss a meeting, check under ‘Our Journey’ on landing page + Slack to keep up.
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Make a reasonable effort to keep cameras on. Facial expressions part of any discussion!
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Recipes on landing page to get you started / share expertise. (A Recipe is simply a list of resources that help teach something / solve a problem)
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Help fill in gaps by recommending resources for the benefit of everyone!
Fill out this google sheets to share your contact info + a bit about you. Will be used for calendar invites if relevant.
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