
Earth & Environmental Data Science Workshop

Learn environmental data science from experts and with peers. We’re hosting a 3 session foundations workshop | 8 week Working Groups to get your hands dirty | $15,000 in gifts for finished projects.
This engagement requires prior experience in Data Analysis & Machine learning. However, no domain specific expertise in Earth and Environmental Sciences is needed.

Leads / Advisors

I’m really excited to share the diversity of open Earth and environmental data!
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Dr Karen Smith ~ Assistant Professor, U of Toronto
I’m looking forward to being a part of your journey into geospatial analysis!
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Dr Shane Sookhan ~ Postdoctoral Researcher, NRCan


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Dr Andre Erler ~ Senior Climate Scientist Aquanty
Crucial dates: Sessions on March 10th, 17th & 31st between 5:30-7:30pm EST. (Literally paid to learn! Everything free for Participants.)


This workshop provides an introduction to Earth and Environmental Data Science. After completing the workshop, you will be familiar with:
  • the diversity and scale of Earth and environmental data
  • the multi-dimensional, spatio-temporal structure of Earth and environmental data
  • common Earth and environmental data formats
  • key python packages used to read, analyze and visualize Earth and environmental data
The more minds thinking about the Environment - the better it is for it. We intend to play our part in facilitating that!
Welcome to the kick-off of the Earth and Environmental Data Science Workshop! (More Videos coming up soon!)
Workshop Content


Why join?

Aggregate Intellect hosts one of the most diverse ML communities in the world. Over the period of the workshop
  • You’ll get an immersion into that community & walk out with some cool new friends.
  • You’ll learn the foundations of Environmental Data Science - a high impact area in the field. And maybe ... you might end up making a positive impact to the environment in the future.
  • You’ll have a chance to get your hands dirty with a coached project. (8 weeks - more details mentioned during the Workshop)
  • Anyone who reaches a minimal goal in those projects will be given an appreciation gift. (Up to CAD$500 - literally getting paid to learn!)

The Working Groups [$2500 in Gifts for Participants for each Group]

ML for Freshwater Management [Starts: 23rd March]
Details on the other 2 coming up soon. Attending the above Workshop - while not mandatory - is strongly encouraged for anyone interested in joining a Working Group.

More about what we’ll be covering


This effort is being sponsored by our friends at

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Want to contact us?
Reach us at ammar@ai.science.
Why is Aggregate Intellect doing so much? What’s the catch?
It’s good for the Environment - which is reason enough. But beyond that, we’ll be pushing participants to share their learning journeys (using specific templates). That way, more people interested in Env Ds can use those as a starting point. Very in line with our open source spirit ^_^
How will the $15,000 in gifts be distributed?
We will eventually have 6 Working Groups. Each group will have a minimal goal. The first 3 people / teams who reach that goal will get a $500 gift. So that’s 6 x 3 x 500 = $9000 for the first 3 finishers (or finishing teams) in each Working Group. Then $1000 will be distributed equally among all other participants reaching the minimal project goal before the set deadline (So for 6 Working Groups - $6000).

Communities sending in representatives

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Interested in a community partnership? Reach out to ammar@ai.science.
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